Zoning Permits

Are you planning to replace your driveway or add a fence, shed, or other improvements to your property? If so, the City requires a zoning permit before you begin.

How do you apply for a Zoning Permit?

In efforts to better serve our community, we have transitioned to a new licensing and permitting portal. The new online portal will provide 24/7 access to submit applications & site plan, check status, view results and retrieve documents.


A Zoning Permit is required for physical improvements that do not require a building, stormwater management, or other permit. The Zoning Permit helps property owners ensure the improvement meets standard City Code requirements such as setbacks, hard surface coverage and structure height.

What types of structures require a Zoning Permit?

Examples of the types of improvements covered by a permit are listed below, but City staff are happy to review any type of physical improvement you may be planning to do, or answer questions to help determine whether it needs a permit or not.

Please review our handouts for more information.

How much does a Zoning Permit cost?

There is no fee for a Zoning Permit. However, in some circumstances, if a site inspection is necessary, there may be a minimal inspection fee.

Zoning Designations

The City of Eagan Zoning Map is available to download here (Updated 07/2020 file size 10.5 MB): The Official Zoning Map is only viewable at City Hall-Community Development Department. City Staff will attempt to keep the unofficial map as updated as possible. A higher-quality print may be purchased at City Hall, in the Community Development Department for $5.00 at a new size format of 15" x 22".

Zoning map

Flood Zone Information